What’s The Difference between COVID 19 and Influenza?
What’s The Difference between COVID 19 and Influenza?
First of all, let’s make sure we are listening to reputable sources. The World Health Organization (WHO) , the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are definitely reputable. So be careful that you are not listening to unreliable resources like our President, our media, and any non-authorities on national health (or world health) issues.
The WHO reports, as of March 12, 2020 , the following biostatistics:
Globally 125 048 confirmed (6729 new) 4613 deaths (321 new) China 80 981 confirmed (26 new) 3173 deaths (11 new) Outside of China 44 067 confirmed (6703 new) 1440 deaths (310 new) 117 countries/territories/ areas (4 new) WHO RISK ASSESSMENT China Very High
What does this mean for you?
If you live in the United States, you have no travel plans, and you are generally in good health, do not panic. The stories about toilet paper and drinking water are most likely over the top. If you are over age 65 years old and have a lot of health conditions, it is more important for you to verify you are not in a high-risk area and are not taking any extra health risks. For example, if you are 71 years old, have COPD, and have your niece traveling to see you after being in China, you should delay that visit. Common sense goes a long, long way. Let’s talk about Influenza. According to the CDC and the WHO, 1 billion people worldwide are effected by this deadly virus.
In addition, 300,000 to 600,000 worldwide are killed by influenza. This definitely puts influenza and the COVID 19 into perspective. Imagine if all the influenza was treated with such a worldwide health awareness as COVID 19. We would save SO many lives; over and beyond what the COVID 19 represents. Let’s all be cautious like we always should have been. Get recommended vaccines, do not touch others’ hands, wash hands thoroughly before eating and after out in public. If the value of COVID 19 is to reinforce basic infection control, so be it. I welcome that.
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